Hands cupping string lights.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidenced-based treatment for trauma.  It has also been successfully used to treat anxiety, panic attacks, complicated grief, disturbing memories, phobias, pain disorders,  and past abuse.  Our brains store traumatic memories differently and more widely than typical memories.  Thus, in everyday living it is easier to bump up against a traumatic memory causing difficulties such as hypervigilance, dissociation, numbing, and risk taking behavior.  EMDR seems to help to re-process these memories and file them away so a person is not so easily triggered.  See the video below for more information as well as links on the Resources page.

Contact Kari Miller, LCMFT RPT at Blanket Fort Therapy to learn more about EMDR or to schedule at appointment.


Video: With closed captioning: Healing Trauma